We are looking at how this applies to our review of behaviour management.
Jeni Cross explains why our common sense is our biggest barrier to changing behaviour. What we think we know...but don't.
Myth 1: Education will change behaviour
There is a 20% behaviour change from education alone. How you present this information is essential.
Step 1: Make it tangible to them. Turn it into something they can see or touch.
Step 2: Personalise the information to each person
Step 3: Interaction was in person. Socialisation is essential
With these 3 steps in use there has been a measured 60% behaviour change as a result
Identify what is lost, not gained by the situation
Change your message for each audience. The more specifically you can target your audience, the more effective you will be.
How can we make behaviour tangible? What is it each person loses with their negative behaviour? How can we personalise this for each person and ensure personal interaction in delivery? What are our audiences within our community and how will we reach them?
Myth 2: You need to change attitudes to change behaviours. Attitudes follow behaviour, they do not predict it. Set behavioural expectations. Connect to values. What are the audiences values, and how can we connect to these. How can we shape our desired outcomes to each audiences values.
Behavioural expectations will be an outcome of our work. It would seem the thrust of any focus groups or surveys would need to be to gather common values. How can we shape our outcomes to reach each audience?
Myth 3: People know what motivates them to action. They don't. The answer to what motivates people is the perception that most other people are doing something except me. Showing the negative, sends the message that this is the norm, and can therefore reinforce the negative behaviour.
How can we best show the different audiences examples of what we want other to ASPIRE to Achieve?
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